Ce court article est rédigé en anglais , car blablachars considère comme logique de s'adresser à nos amis anglo-saxons leur langue pour évoquer avec eux une hypothétique intégration britannique dans le programme franco-allemand MGCS. Ces quelques lignes n'ont d'autre ambition que d'ouvrir le débat autour d'un projet structurant pour l'industrie de défense terrestre européenne dans les prochaines décennies. Pouvons-nous, devons-nous laisser les Britanniques en dehors de ce programme qui devrait être en 2035 l'un des seuls à proposer un char moderne en remplacement des engins actuels ?
While MGCS went through a new step with the Franco German agreement for architecture studies, blablachars wants to open a (peaceful) debate about an hypothetical commitment of UK defense industry in MGCS. Despite the Brexit and for a longtime, military links between UK and European countries have been remaining strong and especially with France as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Lancaster House agreement.
While MGCS went through a new step with the Franco German agreement for architecture studies, blablachars wants to open a (peaceful) debate about an hypothetical commitment of UK defense industry in MGCS. Despite the Brexit and for a longtime, military links between UK and European countries have been remaining strong and especially with France as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Lancaster House agreement.
A quick assessment of MBTs' current situation in UK, Germany and France underlines future common needs and could justify UK to join the program and for Berlin and Paris to welcome London in MGCS. The objective of this post is to create a debate around this idea ! In advance blablachars would like to apologize for the poor English level demonstrated in the following lines.